Thursday, December 26, 2019
Dinosaur Profile Stygimoloch
Name: Stygimoloch (Greek for horned demon from the river Styx); pronounced STIH-jih-MOE-lock Habitat: Plains of North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70-65 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 10 feet long and 200 pounds Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Moderate size; unusually large head with bony protuberances About Stygimoloch Stygimoloch (the genus and species name of which, S. spinifer, can be loosely translated as horned demon from the river of death) wasnt nearly as terrifying as its name implies. A type of pachycephalosaur, or bone-headed dinosaur, this plant-eater was fairly lightweight, about the size of a fully grown human being. The reason for its intimidating name is that its bizarrely ornamented skull evokes the Christian conception of the devil--all horns and scales, with the slightest hint of an evil leer if you look at the fossil specimen just right. Why did Stygimoloch have such prominent horns? As with other pachycephalosaurs, its believed that this was a sexual adaptation--males of the species head-butted each other for the right to mate with females, and bigger horns provided a valuable edge during rutting season. (Another, less convincing theory is that Stygimoloch used its gnarly noggin to butt away from the flanks of ravenous theropods). Apart from these displays of dinosaur machismo, though, Stygimoloch was probably fairly harmless, feasting on vegetation and leaving the other dinosaurs of its late Cretaceous habit (and small, cowering mammals) alone. Within the past few years, there has been an intriguing development on the Stygimoloch front: according to new research, the skulls of juvenile pachycephalosaurs changed drastically as they aged, much more so than paleontologists had previously suspected. Long story short, it turns out that what scientists call Stygimoloch may have been a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus, and the same reasoning may well apply to another famous thick-headed dinosaur, Dracorex hogwartsia, named after the Harry Potter movies. (This growth-stage theory applies to other dinosaurs as well: for example, the ceratopsian we call Torosaurus may simply have been an unusually elderly Triceratops individual.)
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Breast Cancer Essay - 1160 Words
Breast cancer is the most commonly detected disease in females everywhere [1]. There are several efforts done to give solutions to Detect of breast cancer using thermal images. In this section we will make a review for some of these iterations. Araujo et al. [2] proposed a framework to use interval data to model breast strange shape as malignant, benign and cyst. They used a segmentation method that drawing ellipsoidal elements that selects the area of each breast. Ellipses were adjusted for the patientââ¬â¢s breast. The morphological and thermal matrices are used to calculate minimum and maximum temperature values were extracted from. They presented a high accuracy supervised and unsupervised technique that used breast thermal images.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦[6] and Hough transform. They used range of temperature in ROI, the mean temperature, standard deviation and quantization of the higher tone in an eight level posterization. These features were extracted from the entire breast image and breast quadrants. Support vector machine classifier gave an accuracy of classification around 86%. The method has compared the entire image with other related works presents superiors values of accuracy and sensitivity but lowe r specificity. Another comparison is made using analysis of area under the ROC curve, concern this, results from this work are better for Lacunarity measures, but lower when the Hurst coefficient is used. Motta et al. [6] developed an automated segmentation method, which used thresholding based on highest temperature of the breast for the detection of lower border. Upper limit of region of interest (ROI) is obtained by detecting axilla. The center point of the segmented image is used for separating right and left breast. But in an asymmetric breast, the center point of the breast may not detect right and left breast ROI separation point. Qi et al. [9] used Canny edge detection followed by Hough transform for the detection of lower boundaries of the breast. They assumed that lower breast boundary has a parabolic shape. In an abnormal and asymmetric breast, generalization of lower boundary as parabola may result in error in the detection of ROI of breast. The Hough transform method is alsoShow MoreRelatedMale Breast Cancer Essay861 Words à |à 4 Pages Breast cancer in males is quite common, yet still many people are unaware of this disease. Often, it can go undiagnosed until the cancer is in the fourth stage. Every year over 2,000 men will be diagnosed, but only 54% will survive. Cancer in men is often overlooked as it is almost 100 times less common in men than women. During a manââ¬â¢s entire lifespan, the risk of having a diagnosis is about one in one-thousand. The most common symptom of this devastating disease are a lump or some swelling. ThisRead More Breast Cancer Essay1204 Words à |à 5 Pages BREAST CANCER I) Anatomy of the breast nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The breast is a gland designed to make milk. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; II) What is breast cancer? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;These abnormal growths are called tumors. Not all tumors are cancerous. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Non-cancerous tumors ââ¬â benign nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CancerousRead More Breast Cancer Essay1235 Words à |à 5 PagesBreast Cancer Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are many different types of cancer that are affecting people all over. Breast Cancer is one of these, and is found in man and women. Over 200,000 women and 1,300 men have been diagnosed with breast cancer this year. One in eight women will detect breast cancer in their lifetime. Men are less than one percent of the cases of breast cancer that are detected. Although prevention is not yet available, earlyRead MoreEssay Breast Cancer1675 Words à |à 7 PagesBreast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease that is becoming more and more popular in this day of age. One in every eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer (Breast Cancer, 2010). Women and men who suffer from breast cancer not only are fighting cancer but are also fighting the psychological aspects of the disease. Breast Cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among women in the United States right behind skin cancer. Women are now surviving breast cancer a lot more frequently becauseRead MoreBreast Cancer Essay642 Words à |à 3 PagesBreast Cancer Breast Cancer is a cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. Anyone women could be at risk for breast cancer but, there are factors that make some women more susceptible to breast cancer than others. A risk factor is anything that affects your chances of getting a particular disease. Some can be controlled and some canââ¬â¢tRead MoreBreast Cancer Essay937 Words à |à 4 PagesBreast cancer along with many other cancers are being researched daily to find new treatments. With all the new research, it is possible to see high survival rates and lower reoccurrence rate. Many are benefiting from the new treatments that are being discovered. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women and the advancements that have been made are remarkable. There are different types of breast cancer that could be used in planning treatment and new therapies. Authors of MayoRead MoreBreast Cancer Essay1253 Words à |à 6 PagesCancer lies dormant in all of us; all living organisms such as our bodies are making defective cells all the time (1). This is how tumors are developed. Our bodies are also equipped with a number of mechanisms that detect and keep such cells in check (1). Breast Cancer (BC), is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, and it is associated with high morbidity and mortality (2). These breast tumors are comprised of phenotypically diverse populations of breast cancer cells (3). However, chemoresistanceRead MoreBreast Cancer Essay1178 Words à |à 5 PagesAbstract: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which arises in cells that lines breast duct. Many imaging techniques are used for the screening and diagnosis, but typically patients are diagnosed at advanced stage only, and the prognosis is associated with early detection. At present serum and protein biomarkers improving early detection of breast cancer, these make better treatment options with a better responseRead MoreEssay on Breast Cancer1788 Words à |à 8 Pages Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, it accounts for one of every three diagnoses in the United States. Breast cancers are malignancies, life threatening tumors that develops in one or both breasts. A female breast consists of fatty and fibrous connective tissues. The interior of the breast is divided into about twenty different sections called lobes. Each of the lobes is further divided in to lobules, which are structures that contain small milk-producing glands. These glandsRead More Breast Cancer Essay2259 Words à |à 10 PagesBreast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world (Breast). Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed: one in eight women will have breast cancer (Walgreens, 2011; Chen, 2010). ââ¬Å"I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought Id hear those devastating words: You have breast cancer. ââ¬Å"- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a democratic representative of Florida (2011). Mutations turn genes on and off
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Garments and Textile Products in Vietnam-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Garments and Textile Products in Vietnam. Answer: Introduction Business ventures are a small business where it is developed with the intension of being benefited economically. One or more individuals or groups with the expectation of the business bringing them a financial gain will invest in those ventures. Majority of business ventures are generated based on pressure from the market or a scarcity of contribution to the market. Requirements of consumers are recognized for a commodity or a service and the businessperson and investors will progress to grow the idea, market it, and sell the commodity or service advanced (Schaper et al., 2014). With profit-making improvement and emerging prosperity, Vietnam is among the basic appearing economies in the middling and extended term. The countrys professional environment offers countless opportunities for speculation, in spite of the challenges such as a troublesome Communist state apparatus and deficient infrastructure. Vietnam is among the best province to register a business. Presently it is ranked by World Bank in the90th positionfor simplicity in doing business and is considered among the fast-growing provinces in the South East Asia (Athukorala Tien, 2012). It has become simpler for immigrants to enroll an organization in most business since 2015. One is only required to have a shareholder, besides a corporate existence or a person with any citizenship and residency, to assimilate a company.Vietnam has an enormous population with 90 million people and potent natural resources (Zolin Schlosser, 2013). Dr. Alex Osterwalder, joint-author of Business Model Generation, suggested the Business Model Canvas as a blend for companies those are pursuing to introduce their business modelsso that it best fit in the industry. Osterwalder's objective with the Business Model Canvas is to assist companies acquire the best devices to introduce their business models and utility hypothesis. This program not only helps for tactical planning and model structuring; it also assists aid innovation, fusion and accessions, and decisions on speculations. In this report the business venture that has been choose to establish in Vietnam is of Garments and Textile Products and the opportunities, business model are elaborated below (Veit, 2014). Business venture opportunity which is suitable for Vietnam Garment and Textile manufacture is another commercial business in Vietnam since Garments and Textiles are among those products that are exported by Vietnam. One can also particularize increating ready-to-wear attires or start ones own line of clothing. It may become too expensive to start ones own production of textile and Garment Company, and then one canturn as a cloth merchant or get started with an online garment supplier. All these businesses are equally profitable (Thoburn, 2013).A huge number of foreign shareowners have displayed great appeal investing in the textile industry of Vietnam, primarily soon after the country signed a number of Free Trade Agreements, involving the EU-Vietnam FTA (EVFTA) (Duong, 2016). Under this EVFTA, all importationtariffs on the products of Vietnams garment and textile that will be abolished within the coming 7 years. With the broad and deep incorporation, Vietnamese textile and garment has converted from a domestic-aligned sector into one of the prime forces in the countrys transport turnover. In particular, Vietnam earned a billion of $27in 2015 by transporting textile and garment and the digit is anticipated to reach a billion of $29 by the end of 2016. As stated by Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), the textile and garment industry is among the giant economic divisions in the country. It has 4,000 businesses with an income of 20 billion dollars per year, counting for 15% of GDP, building Vietnam the fifth widest textile, and clothing exporters worldwide. Textile and garment products of Vietnam have been transported to 180 countries and territories universally, in which the biggest markets are the United States, Europe and Japan (Tran, 2012). Vietnam is at a crisis point where it can also relocate to the succeeding positions of industrialization or likelihood of losing competition. In a distant past Vietnam has acknowledged foreign capital in the industry of Textile and Garments. Organizations that imbue to outside-based companies permit up to 60 per cent of the earnings from export, few connections are there joining national and international firms. For example, Japanese firms have accepting to Vietnamese organizations for their commands for the garments, but they have not initiated reverse linkages by spending in yarn and fabric provisions. When labour prices in Vietnam ultimately increase, overseas investors will shift to countries with bottom labour value like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (Kenta, 2012). Pestel analysis of garments and textile industry in Vietnam The reason why PESTEL is done because it recognizes the external political, economical, social, technological, legal and environmental elements, which can affect the business. Thus, the risky factors that are identified from this analysis can be utilized to take up new decisions for the benefits of the business (Tuan, 2012). As far as the political elements are, concerned Vietnam is a state that is ruled with one-party that is the Communist party of Vietnam (CPV). All the decisions regarding strategies and the problems related to policies are look after this party. However, the policy involves encouraging stability, maintaining the political ranking quo, development of domestic economies and international combinations. Vietnam is very much politically stable country in South East Asia. Internal conflicts are infrequent which an advantage for the garment and textile industry is (De Mel, Jayaratne, 2012). Economical growth in Vietnam in the present few years have averaged up to 6.2%. Vietnam is currently having the rapid growing middle class in the South East Asia. As the foreign invested constructing, sectors are indicating the growth of the industries. Added advantages are that Vietnam has been a country attracting the FDI destination especially Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore. The states existence in the economy rests huge in Vietnam. However, Vietnam is ranking in 82th position in the World Banks report of doing business in 2017. The social factors in Vietnam is that it is having the support of the young population who have attained the working age and having fresh entrants in the market of labors every year but still the overall production which leaves very little and is only three fifths of the ASEAN centre or is around one tenth altitude in Singapore. However, the people in Vietnam are very positive for the future that to because of the stability of the political, peace a nd economical growth (Dri, 2013). Technology is developing with the time and so it has its impact in Vietnam as well. Internet is easily attainable with much cheaper price. Another noticeable thing presently is the power shortage that is increasing due to the growing demands in Vietnam. Lastly, there is an extensive availability of the software products all over the country, which is definitely an advantage for the garments and textile industry (Kenta, 2012). The environmental factors also play a vital part because Vietnam has an extensive coastal border and is contemplated to be the most endangered countries due to the risk of the natural disasters, changes in the climate and the rise in the sea level that can seriously affect the business. Thus, environmental factors always remain at the priority list that all the business ventures study carefully before starting any business because it can highly damage the business. Lastly, the legal factors also play an important role as Vietnam has accessible law enterprise, investment law and other universal and regional agreements where all sort of enterprises have to work with the same rule. Vietnam has faulty quality of human resources and issues related to corruption thus its get difficult for the enterprises to implement the laws (Thoburn, 2013). Porters five forces analysis of garments and textile industry in Vietnam The Porters five forces model is an excellent instrument for analyzing the rivalry inside the market and the business strategies developed by the industry. It however pulls the companys economics to extract the five forces, which dictate the rivalry strength and hence the appealing part of the industry comes in front (E. Dobbs, 2014). The five forces in Porter analysis comprises of the following- Competitive rivalry Power of supplier Power of the buyers Threat of substitutions Threat of the new entries Demands as well as competition both are high in Vietnams garment and textile industry. Competition is equally spread in large customers to market involving inputs and labors. With the growing reforms in Vietnam, the most profit is gained by the garment and textile industry. This industry actually specializes in the cheapest value added part in the mid of the global chain of supply. It is at the cross road where either it has to take its business on to the next level or have to probably lose his competitiveness. Labor is among the essential features of the manufacturing activity, mainly woman are found as labors who are having few years of experience in this business (Elliott, 2016). The problem that the garment and textile industry is facing as it depends steadily on the inputs imported from various other countries like china (Xiaoyang, 2014). However, this is making the power of the suppliers to become on e of the essential controlling forces for the profit making of the industry. Enormous number of suppliers, average differences and low costs of changing the suppliers leads to little bargaining power of the suppliers. The main suppliers of Vietnam are china, South Korea and Taiwan. As far as the bargaining powers of the buyers are concern it is not that of a huge demand and little production capacity prevails in the enterprises. This industry makes maximum of the business in the peak season that is Q2 and Q3 of every year. As the trend of labor costs of the Chinese are increasing with the suppositions for trade agreements, Vietnams clothing industry will develop its role in the universal chain (Tran, 2012). The capacity to turn substitute product line is big like for instance from jeans to khaki products then from t-shirt to shirts, then from one brand to another, in this way it goes on. The outcome of this is cheaper costs of the altered products, the variety of price and the quality of the products and the improvements in the fashion tendency with the growing time (Kew Stredwick, 2017). In the garments and textile, industry in Vietnam the threat to new entries is not that high due to the policies that the government makes to stimulate the evolutions of this industry and average requirements of the technology, wealth and so on. However, with addition to these the entrance to inputs and channels of distribution are also comparatively easier. Therefore, in Vietnam currently there are around 6,000 businesses working in the garments and textile all over the country. To be in the competition the enterprise has to retain the employees who are skilled and experience (Montague, 2013). The resources and team needed to convert the opportunities into a profitable business The basic resource everyone needs to start a new business venture is financial resources, Human resources, educational resources, Physical resources and emotional resources (Ciabuschi, Perna, Snehota, 2012). The most important resource without which we cannot start a business is monetary investment. The funding can be gathered from a variety of sources be it the founders personal savings or from loans or credits. Human resource depends mainly on the strength and talent of the employees. However, the team depends on this experienced hiring of the workers with a certificate of being skilled at their domain (Nielsen Montemari, 2012). Before going for a business venture, it is important to gain knowledge about the business that will get started. So a deep knowledge about the market and the competitor must be known so that there is a right direction for the firm. Physical resources on the other hand are the satisfactory work environment and the basic requirements in the workplace. Lastl y, to start with a business venture an inspirational and motivated team is needed which can be of friends, family, mentor or the executive group (Storemark Hoffmann, 2012). Then the resources that are more important are the machines. There must be a estimated requirements of the production based on which the machines are decided. For a start up there must be a rough estimation for their production of garments in the initial days, which they can modify later if the customer demands and their budget enlarges. Now when the production figure its type is decided then the calculated for the sewing machines and other miscellaneous requirements can be calculated (Bharadwaj et al., 2013). The type of machines are very important like if its a garment factory for the Shirts then the machines used are different where the machines can be sewing as well as non-sewing machines that the factories uses. Therefore, based on the machine brand and their county sourcing their cost will depend. Along with this, the capital investments will also get to be calculated on the machines. Along with the sewing machines, there will also be other resources like pressing tables, cutti ng room machines, and boiler for pressing tables, diesel generator for power back up, finishing room equipment and furniture (Bierman Smidt, 2012). The next important resource needed is the raw material and after the machines requirements are met, the list for raw materials had to be made in order to make the garments with average utilization (Nguyen, Beeton Halog, 2014). A major component of the garment manufacturing cost is the material cost. The raw materials that are needed are estimated from the suppliers and the basic materials are fabrics, labels, thread, hangtags and trims. Therefore, to have the correct price knowledge of each of this material is necessary. This list of raw material will further help in making the budget on material sourcing. Resources also include the office space for setting up the machines and the departments. Based on this resource further planning is done for renting a space or factory building. Moreover, the most important resources are the labor. The primary resource for any business venture is its workforce. This workforce includes the number of employees, supervisors and labors who will help t o run the business evenly. Estimating the salaries for every worker after the recruitment will help in the budget for running cost (Doan, 2012). Business model A business model is the process by which any organization initiate revenue and earns a profit from the organizations operations. Investigators use the metric gross profit in a way to differentiate the effectiveness and coherence of the organizations business model (Bocken et al., 2014). The two main forces of any organizations business model are pricing and cost. An organization can however, increase prices and can find directory for decreased costs. Both these efforts actually increase the total profit. Gross profit is frequently contemplated the initial start of profitability as it only reviews costs but not the expenses. It exactly centers on the process by which an organization does its business, not the effectiveness of the management. Some space is usually left for an ineffectual management team when the investors actually focus on the business model. Investors thus believe that the best business model can make them flourish (Casadesus?Masanell Zhu, 2013). Business model always have its importance that is needed to set up any new business venture. To open a Garment and textile product in Vietnam, there is also a need to plan the business first. However, the potential of any given business model to scale is determined by the maturity of its business model itself which means the capacity to supply the socially advantageous goods, services or the livelihoods and also retrieve its cost at their scales. However, certain models can be scaled faster than many others that need ample time like years or even decades to get appropriate way before even getting appropriate for scaling up (Bock et al., 2012).The diagram above is showing the different segment a business model canvas (BMC) comprises of that was developed by Alexander osterwalder and Yves pigneur. This BMC is the different variable a valuable organization has. Tool for strategies helps a new organization and examines the current situation in the business and this is done by BMC (Strate gyzer, 2017). This canvas is important because it explains the ways this new business venture or idea operates in terms with the nine interconnected elements that is discussed later under this topic. These necessary features built up the business model. Business model supplies a coherent process for initiating the offering of the market fit (Trimi Berbegal-Mirabent, 2012). It however comprises of the nine categories that they introduced as the building blocks of any organization. These building blocks are as follows:- Key partners Key activities Key resources Value propositions Customer relationships Channels Customer segments Cost structure Revenue streams However, to plan a business model for a garment and textile business venture based on these above can help in having a clear glance of the aspects of the business (Vargas, Calva Camacho, 2015). Key partners Agencies or individuals setting up a business usually are external sources who donate to few parts of the business canvas. Thus, it can be investigated what resources and the services the organization benefits from the partners and it is linked to how they attach value. It is mandatory to build associations with the partners. For example, when striving against the rivalries and incorporating knowledge and specialty key partners pays an important role. Necessary data will be needed by knowing in present, which the partners may compose to a precious relationship. The key partners that are needed for this very business venture of garments and textile in Vietnam are as follows:- Legal advisors- they are the lawyers that are hired by the organization for giving legal services as well as advices to the organization and the employees. Audit partners- This is a guaranteed public accountant and full ownership partner in a professional firm of accounting. Logistic partners- it outsources the features of the organizations distribution and implementation services. Technology partners- It is the channel partner, which comes in partnership with the organization to market as well as sell the products, services or technologies of this aligned organization. Business partners- These are commercial entities with another having the similar structure of alliance. Key activities Key activities are those affairs that instantly or accidentally donate to delivering the value proposition to the customers. Therefore, they may include the features of the value proposition and the way they authorize distribution of channels, relationships with their customers and the streams of revenues. Along with a good knowledge for the internal activities of the organization, the benefit will be that a greater understanding of the value hypothesis of the organization is acquired. The key activities are not limited to production only but also problem-solving outlook, networking, and standard of the commodity. If the additional values for the customers are known to the organization then a more advanced relationship can be build up with the customers, which in turn will help in attracting new customers and keep up the competition (Carayannis, Sindakis Walter, 2015). For this particular business venture in Vietnam, the key activities involved are as follows:- Exports- Garments are in high demand of export from Vietnam to United States, china, Japan, South Korea, Germany and other ASEAN countries. Apparel manufacturing- The clothes and accessories are manufactured for the markets. Supply chain- It comprises of the organization, its people, activities, information and resources. Quality control-It comprises of the standard product quality. Advertising- It holds the high importance as it helps for the brand publicity in the market and helps in attracting the customers. Key resources Key activities are those resources that bestow upon value proposition, channels, the relationships and revenue. These resources can be both tangible or can be intangible and so they may involve intellectual properties, brands, hardware and software, finance, the facilities and people. Key resources however is the building block, which describes the most necessary benefits, needed to run the work model of the business. Every business model needs them and it is only via them that the organization initiates value propositions and revenues (Massa Tucci, 2013). Resources are those measures the organization needs to execute. They can be classified as under:- Physical- This involves those assets like business equipment such as manufacturing facilities, buildings, vehicles, machines, systems all comes under it. Intellectual- This includes the knowledge, brands and patents. Financial- This includes the flow of funds and origin of income. Human resources- This embrace the aspects of staffs. Value propositions Value propositions are the centre for the Business model Canvas that defines the actual as well as the recognized value that the organization delivers to their customers and the challenges they are solving by meeting the needs of the customers. However this can involve the features like design, the brand, the price and how easy is to use the products. Value proposition in the BMC has two sides, one is of thecustomer segmentthat the organization plans to produce value for and thevalue propositionthat helps the organization allures customers. The BMC draws collateral between products, services that are offered, and customers necessities (Osterwalder et al., 2014). This is all about the fundamental of the organizations right for existence, which meets the customers necessities. However, the value proposition of the garment and textile business venture in Vietnam will be the followings:- Perfect fit High quality Better buying experiences Pricing Customer relationships This point covers the type of relation that each section like the online peer from peer, the contributors, users and beneficiary requires. For instance from the personal attention to any customer, self-services, sense of the community and those in the co-creation are all involved here. The relation of frequency one off, the regular or infrequent are also defined in this segment. It is crucial to commerce with the customers. The wider the customer support too essential, which is to divide those customers into various, targeted categories. Every one of the customers has some particular needs. By predicting those needs of the customers, the organization devotes in various customers. A capable service will guard good and balanced relationship with the customers, which will get confirmation later on (Muhtaroglu et al., 2013). The following elements help the garment and textile business venture in Vietnam for exploring the opportunities the country has like:- Customer care services- A well-defined customer care service is when helping the customers in a well-organized friendly manner. To assured that they are satisfied the employees should handle the problems and immediately do their best to resolve them. To achieve this organization must be attentive, have a transparent communication skill, thorough knowledge about the product, skills of acting and using positive language and management of time and lastly they must have that ability to read the mind of the customers. Feedbacks- Customers feedbacks are important because it helps to supply the dealers and business owners with an insight so that they can improvise their business, services or the experiences with the customers. They ways in which the feedback can be gathered from the customers through calling them, using surveys through emails, measuring the performances of the customer service and by bestowing feedback forms on the organizations website. Offers- offers on the products can be a effective instrument not only for customer purchases but also for loyalty of the customers. Moreover, it is essential to consider the strategy of the brand before any discount related offers to make customers happy. Channels Channels are actually how the business explores the plans to reach out the targeted customers. It however involves the online services, retailers, wholesalers, direct marketing any many more. The organization can even have various channels and different other channels for acquisition and their maintenance. Therefore, definitely there are various channels for various types of customers all are included here. An organization dispenses with the channels of communications, distribution and sales. It is not regarding contacting customer but the manner in which a company interface with the customers. The purchase position and the conveyance of the product or services dispensed are determining components in this. There are five different channels to customers, which are recognition of the product, buy, delivery, assessment gratification and after sales. In addition with assemble beneficial utility of the channels and to outstretch as many customers feasible and so, it is recommended to mer ge shops and web shops channels. Customer segments The customers are always among the greatest assets an organization will need to attract and so this feature defines the main clusters of consumers that are connected with the benefits from the value that the organization created. As companies frequently dispense services to a group of more than one customer, it is practical to split them among customer segments. By recognizing the particular needs and essentials of each group and those values, they connect to this and the products and services are better speeded near these necessities and demands. This will guide to considerable satisfaction of the customers, which in turn will bestow to a capablevalue proposition (Abraham, 2013). However, customers can be divided into the following two segments:- Urban population International markets Cost structure Cost structure is another important feature that places emphasis on the important cost structure in the organization that can be both direct as well as indirect. This feature is analogous to the key resources and the key activities the organization has framed. By obtaining a perception into cost structure, an organization will get to know what the minimal income would produce a benefit. Direct costs are those costs that can be effortlessly detected to a specific object that is also known as acost object such as a product, the raw materials utilized to produce a product or the labor related with the work to manufacture the product. Indirect costs are the one that affects not just on product but the overall Organization. These costs include advertising,depreciation, general supplies for the organization, accounting services and so on (Amit Zott, 2012). Revenue streams This section covers the procedures of how the organization outlines the plans to make money. It explains how much they are ready to pay for the level of values that are deliverd and the ways of payments. Revenue streams are the cost drivers. It delivers a clear perception of the organizations revenue model. The ways in which the garments and textile business venture can generate cash flow is through understanding the expenses of the organization, rolling product and services, creating a back-end product or services, uplift repeated business and by pre-selling the products or services. Revenue streams also look after what number of customers an organization will require on a yearly support to initiate gain along with how much revenue does it require to maintain a balance between neither profit nor loss (DaSilva Trkman, 2014). Thus, the business model canvas is developed in a sequential way that describes that how the business started and slowly it constructed the components that are essential for it to make profit and develop with time. Conclusion To conclude this report, it can be said that business ventures are small setups that depends on the demands of customers need in the market. It is started with the intention to make profit out of it. Maximum of the business ventures are developed based on the pressure from the market or a shortage of contribution in the market.Vietnam is among the best province to register with a business in spite of the challenges there are many opportunities that are there for Garments and textile products to flourish there. Vietnam has a huge population with 90 million people residing and ample variety of natural resources. Thus from 2015 it has become easier for the immigrants to start a business there. The opportunities that Vietnam gives for business venture such as Garment and textile products are that primarily is it exports garments in a large scale to United states, China, South Korea, Japan and so the market is widely dispersed. A large number of overseas shareowners have exhibited huge interest in investing in the textile industry of Vietnam, soon after the country signed a number of Free Trade Agreements. Recently, Vietnam has accepted foreign capital in the business of Textile and Garments. According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), the textile and garment business in Vietnam is among the massive economic divisions of the country. However, Dr. Alex Osterwalder, joint-author of Business Model Generation, suggested the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a mix for the organizations those are seeking to introduce the business models so that it perfectly fit in the industry. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
Smithton Inc. Marketing
Budgeted profit and actual profit for May Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Smithton Inc. Marketing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fixed Overhead variance Fixed overhead variance= Budgeted overheads- Actual overhead That is: (2.5*1300 units)-3100= 150(F) Analysis of Standards The set of standards developed by Smithton Inc. is in reference to the processes of production undertaken by the organization. The first standard regards the direct materials. Here, the company sets material usage standards such that the production of each unit of output requires 2kgs of direct materials. It also sets the standard price per kilo of direct material at à £3.00. The actual performance of the organization proves that in general, the standards set underestimate the ability of the organization to efficiently apply the use of materials in production. The second set of standards regards direct labor. The organization budgets that the production of each unit of the product requires the application of 30 minutes of labor. In addition, each hour of labor applied costs à £10.00. Looking at the actual performance, the standard price is more accurately determined while there is gross overestimation of the amount of time which goes in the production of a unit of product.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third standard concerns fixed overheads. Estimations here are done in regard of the amount of fixed overheads attributable to a unit of output. A comparison of the budgeted and actual amounts shows that, the standard set was underestimated. Analysis of variances Sales revenue variance There is an adverse sales revenue variance. This variance occurs in cases where the level of sales revenue achieved differs from the set level. It could be as a result of differences in volumes of sales as explain ed by the sales volume variance or as a result of a difference in price budgeted and the actual price in the market. Some factors likely to contribute to the adverse sales variance include ineffective marketing techniques, the emergence of unfavorable conditions in the market. The price at which the products were sold could be as a result of an economic recession or very tough competition in the market (College Accounting Coach, 2010, par 4). Material Variance The month of May registered a favorable material variance. However, a breakdown shows that material price variance was adverse while material usage variance was favorable. Some possible causes of adverse material price variance include unexpected change in price of materials, application of an alternative grade of the material, engaging a different supplier who may be charging higher than the previous supplier. In addition, this could be as a result of exchange rate depreciation in cases where the materials are imported as wel l as carelessness on the part of the purchasing officers. The favorable material usage variance could be as a result of several factors. First, the production unit could have devised better ways to control the amount of waste produced in the production process. This could result from improvement of the conditions of the relevant machines and better training of operators leading to better utilization of the materials. Secondly, there could have been a change in the design of the product with the new design requiring less material to produce in comparison to the earlier. In addition, it is possible that fewer materials were used in production due to the fact that fewer products were produced as a result of low demand in the market. On the other hand, the variance could result from loosened quality control processes which permit less use of materials but at the expense of production of lower quality products (Standard Costs And Variance Analysis, 2010, par5-7).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Smithton Inc. Marketing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Direct Labor Variance The total labor variance is favorable. A breakdown shows that the labor efficiency variance is favorable while the labor rate variance is adverse. There are several possible causes of a favorable labor efficiency variance. First is an improvement in the techniques applied by workers in production. This could result in increased levels of efficiency among laborers. It could also be due to improved motivation levels among works in addition to a reduction in the idle or downtime during the month. A better grade of workers could also have been employed to undertake the production process (Standard Costs and Variance Analysis, 2010). On the other hand, an adverse labor rate variance could be as a result of the application of higher remuneration package than expected. This could be due to the implementation of a mandatory natio nal pay rise which the organization would have to abide. Secondly, a higher grade of workers requiring higher pay may have been employed in the production process. Again, the variance could be as a result of application of bonus payments which differ from what is planned for. Finally, it could be as a result of making more payments for overtime or premium rates than had been projected (Introduction to variance, 2010, par9). Fixed Overhead variance The month of may saw a favorable fixed overheads variance. This could have resulted from unexpected increases in rent, and other fixed overheads including standing charges. Strategic Implications In light of the information on variances described above, the most significant strategic decision would have to be aimed at correcting the large adverse sales variance. It would require substantial expenditure in marketing to ensure that targets are met. Most other decisions would require the development of more ambitious budgets in order to impro ve profitability even further given that the organization is able to achieve several favorable variances. It is however clear that most emphasis should be on reducing the adverse sales variance to improve the organizationââ¬â¢s performance. This could be through a review of the marketing techniques applied with a view towards improving them and the application of better methods to project prices more accurately.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference College Accounting Coach, 2010. Archive about ââ¬ËStandard Costing Variance Analysisââ¬â¢. [Online] Available at:à Introduction to variance, 2010. Tutor2u. [Online] Available at:à Standard Costs and Variance Analysis, 2010. Loscostos. [Online] Web. This assessment on Smithton Inc. Marketing was written and submitted by user Kylan Ayala to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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